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Vanilla production and distribution, directly from Madagascar

Samuel Renoux, chef and vanilla producer

Samuel Renoux is a cook first and foremost, always has been. One day, he discovers the culture of vanilla. After having travelled around the islands and compared the methods of manufacture, he set off on his adventure in Madagascar to produce, with respect for the environment and the local economy, a superior quality bourbon vanilla that meets his own requirements.

On sale here

Madagascar bourbon vanilla, matured for five months and produced with the utmost respect for nature by experienced professionals. Available in bundles of ten pods, in 125g packs or by the kilo. Worldwide delivery.

  • Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar (bundle of 10 pods)

  • Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar (pack of 125gr)

  • Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, per kilo

Samuel Renoux


Production, distribution

Ancien chef et patron de restaurant, reconverti à la vanille depuis 2016. Gère la culture, la fécondation et la récolte, ainsi que la vente du produit fini.

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Dans la production de vanille depuis 1994 a une longue expérience de la transformation. Gère donc tout naturellement cette partie.

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